Reclaiming the JOY of Business
Reclaiming the JOY of Business brought to you by Inspiring Business.
Your fortnightly gateway to genuine and authentic conversations with Australian based business owners and experts from all over the world. Tailored for business owners who are planning their exit strategy or are looking to remove themselves from the daily grind of Doing.
A blend of real and sometimes raw stories of how businesses owners, just like you, have made mistakes and found the lessons from those mistakes to grow and improve their business. A common theme is when the power of people and culture are utilised, the business makes a critical improvement in the business and a positive impact for all stakeholder.
Bringing JOY to business.
This is the second series from Inspiring Business, that had over 70 episodes between 2021 and 2023.
Steve Sandor, your Host is excited to bring these inspiring guests and to add bonus episodes for Subject Matter experts who will share their secret sauce on how to improve your business.
Reclaiming the JOY of Business
Episode 54 Being curious first is the key to adding value to a business owner Sam Dean Director BlueprintHQ
Business owners seek advice from experts because they have a specific problem. But sometimes the problem may not be the key issue for the business and the owner is looking for advice. Many times the business owner doesn’t know what question to ask and if the adviser has one tool in their tool bag then the owners is getting one solution.
There are obvious differences between a specialist and a generalist, and the Medical and Law professions don’t seem to have a problem in bringing in a specialist Surgeon or Barrister. But in the world of business it seems advisers want to be both.
“You need a (fill in the blank) and I just happen to have the best blank solution.”
Both Sam and I feel that there is a better way and it starts with listening and asking questions. Being curious about all aspects of the business and that may also include how the owner is ‘feeling’.
I’m often surprised how feelings are brushed over because these are the owner’s emotions and are often the best signal to where the problem actually sits.
Sam guides expert advisers and helps them to offer a more fulfilling service to them and their clients and this sits alongside my Scale to Success Strategy as it fits into the application of process, people and performance.
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There are plenty of additional resources on our website at www.inspiringbusiness.net and I’m active on LinkedIn, and occasionally on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for listening and my wish as always is to inspire and energise you to take action so you can make a difference in your and other people's lives.
Sam Dean Director, Blueprint HQ
Stephen Sandor CEO Inspiring Business
Inspiring Business website - www.inspiringbusiness.net
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